
The Best Date Night Ever

The latest craze sweeping the nation right now is called “Escape Rooms” and if you haven’t done one yet, you are severely missing out! They are exhilarating and a great date idea, as you get to see exactly how compatible you are with your significant other with the following key factors needed to escape the rooms and to have a successful relationship.

Communication - Some puzzles require you be in separate rooms, or work on different things at the same time, and the only way to solve the puzzle is to communicate as efficiently as possible, and be able to keep your cool while working under pressure. When you see your timer counting down and the audio of the room getting more intense, do you think you can still calmly and coherently communicate with each other and solve what is in front of you?

Teamwork - Although it would be crazy to try and see if you can escape a room by yourself, it’s nearly impossible! You need at least one other person in the room with you, and who better than the person you love? But can the both of you be able to handle being wrong? Or even being right without being mean to each other? With puzzles some time you have to think if it doesn’t work one way try the opposite, but can you both think differently and accept that only one can be right?

Natural Leader - In every game and even in every relationship a natural leader is formed, and it’s not a bad thing if that leader isn’t you. You should be able to follow what obstacle is being thrown at you or be able to take the reins and say where should both of you work next. Maybe you are both leaders, but that may cause a clash, who is the leader in your game play and relationship?

Celebrate - Whether you are celebrating a win or a loss, be able to smile at the end of the game regardless of the outcome. If you lost, be able to laugh about the silly mistakes that were made and seek REDEMPTION. What better way than to try your luck on another game and now that you are all warmed up, you should be able to escape now! If you won, celebrate each other! Celebrate the fact that both of you were able to communicate, use teamwork and solve everything needed together. Neither of you could have done that on your own, you won because you worked very well together.

Why Escapology? While there are 30 locations worldwide, with 20+ more in different stages of build, it’s easy to locate an Escapology. Not only that, but Escapology believes in “Private Experiences”- If it’s just two of you, it will only be the two of you. We Will not put any strangers in the room or charge you out for the empty spots. That is not how we operate, we take pride in our high rating customer service and your experience comes first and foremost before making a profit.

So what are you waiting for?? This is such a fun exercise in teamwork and logic, filled with adrenaline and a it’s a great workout for your brain– plus a gigantic sense of accomplishment when you actually “escape.” Why wouldn’t you and your significant other want to try this? Do you both have what it takes?