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Birthday Party Packages

Our birthday packages are award winning and a ton of fun!

Una experiencia privada de escape room

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Birthday Party Packages

Tu historia de fondo

Our 2 hour birthday party package includes 1 hour of game play and 1 hour in a private room. 2 Pizzas & a dozen cupcakes are included, as well as a t-shirt for the birthday guest.
¡He leído suficiente! Reservar ahora
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Birthday Party Packages

Puesta en escena

Our base package includes: - 2 hour booking - 1 hour of game play - 1 hour birthday party - Pizza (1 cheese and 1 pepperoni) - Cupcakes (1 dozen) And a lot of fun!
¡No lo regales! Reservar ahora
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Birthday Party Packages

Tu misión

Our Birthday Packages are available everyday of the week. If you’re ready to book just follow the book now link, click a date and time on the right and request your event. Once requested we will confirm game availability for your event and email you back with a confirmation! Payment in full is due at the time of booking. Questions? Please email us at [email protected] anytime!
Déjame en ellos! Reservar ahora