
The Seven Gaming Personalities

Escapology is for everyone and no two people are alike. But according to your highly qualified team of experts (it's true, they told us so themselves), everyone will fall into one of the following personality types...

Escape Room Thinker


The thinker works alone and thinks they're the clever one in the group.
Not too keen on the physical challenges, they like mental puzzles that challenge
the brain. They wish others would get with the task rather than making so much noise.

Escape Room Entertainer


Loves to be center of attention and leaves no stone unturned looking
for absolutely anything that might help! Has been known to lose vital clues
or puzzle pieces and may occasionally be a little impatient. The entertainer loves
building stuff so anything physical is right up their street!

Escape Room Communicator


Can't stop talking - or even shouting. Needs to make sure clear instructions
are given to everyone (constantly) and lets everyone know what they're doing
too. The communicator is often the first (and loudest) out of the room in the
event of a successful escape!

Escape Room Observer


Loves to stand back and see things that others don't see. Will occasionally
give you 'that look' that suggests you might be wasting your time! Great at
spotting color sequences and finding hidden codes through patience and perseverance

Escape Room Organizer


Makes sure that everyone, and everything is organized. Keeps everything
neat and tidy and works though puzzles in a methodical and logical manner.
Can often be found saying 'no , no, no!' to the entertainer...

Escape Room Caretaker


The caretaker likes to look after people and just wants everyone to
have a great time. They're in no rush to escape, they care more about
everyone's welfare and will quietly give encouragement to others as they
do all the hard work!

Escape Room Navigator


Navigators are rare but talented and useful to have in the team.
They know where they're going and know how to get there but
can be dismissive of the contributions of others. Do as they say
or expect to be walked all over!