
How do Virtual/Remote Escape Rooms Work?

Virtual/remote escape rooms have become popular in 2020 and 2021, with Escapology @Home emerging as a leader in the field, adapting the ever-popular Antidote, TH3 C0D3, Budapest Express, and Under Pressure escape rooms to be played remotely.

Although virtual/remote escape rooms were born out of necessity during the challenging times of the year 2020 which saw restrictions placed on many entertainment venues during the COVID-19 pandemic, their merits quickly became apparent as a fantastic way to have fun remotely with friends and family across the country or world.

It is now possible to enjoy the challenges and thrills of an Escapology escape room with friends and family from all different parts of the world, without needing to gather in person.

All you and your fellow escapees need are computers with webcams and a good internet connection, and you can get in on the virtual/remote action!

You will use free video conference software where you will gather for the virtual/remote escape experience. Make sure you book a time that works for all members of your team, bearing in mind any time differences!

You will first meet your game master, who will act as your eyes, ears, and hands inside the escape room. You will instruct their every move in the room to help them escape on time, and render your team’s escape mission a success!

You and your team will be solving the puzzles and riddles to guide your game master out of their predicament, by escaping the contaminated laboratory, working out the hacker’s kill code, finding the killer on the train, or restoring power to the submarine,

Having hosted hundreds of virtual/remote escape games, we’ve seen how the most successful teams play our games and escape with minutes to spare, and unfortunately, we’ve also seen a few less successful groups.

Make sure everyone has a chance to speak; the last thing you want to be doing is shouting over somebody who has quietly figured the answer to a puzzle.

Consider writing a note of each discovery or prop you come across in your virtual/remote escape room, you never know when a new discovery might work or make sense alongside something you found earlier. A notepad and pen might well come in handy, so be prepared!

Book your virtual/remote escape game with Escapology @Home today!